Our Joy ~ April 19, 2013

It's Joy post Friday, and I'm actually doing it!

I am thankful that God continues to teach me, even though it has been through immense pain. Maybe I really will be that wise old woman who exudes peace that I have always hoped I could be someday.

I am thankful for all of the special women in my life who have been continuous in prayer for me. Many of whom I would not have expected to be. Many of whom I do not even know. They have been feeling my pain, which I would never wish on anyone, but it brings me comfort that they grieve with me. To anyone out there who has been going before the Lord on my behalf, thank you. I remember you in the times that I do not have the strength to lift my eyes up. I know there are precious women standing in the gap for me, interceding in prayer. Love to you all!

On a lighter note, I am thankful that Levi has finally accepted the filling of our dishwasher. As his first chore, he is helping me empty the dishwasher by handing me the big plates and such. He says "big" when he pulls out a big plate, and "baby" when he pulls out a little one. It was all so cute until he could NOT handle me filling the dishwasher. He got so red and mad at me for undoing what he had just made clean. Why yes child, I know just how you feel! I have been explaining to him what is happening when I fill the dishwasher, and I think he is starting to get it because he doesn't get so red and mad anymore. Hopefully someday I can capture how red he gets in a picture and share it with you. It's pretty intense!

And here are some precious moments that I am thankful from the past week:

Watching father and son bonding on our hike by the river.

Enjoying a beautiful day.

Getting to give Levi a bottle like a baby! He was so tired after our little hike, that he could not hold the bottle and get water into his mouth, so i helped him. :) It was nice to feel like he was a baby again for thirty seconds.

We went to the mall for some distraction on the day I found out we were not pregnant, and Levi loved the big Mickey. He looks so little! I will take any picture that makes him look little. He's going to be two in May and I am starting to freak out a little bit.

We rode on the indoor carousel at the mall and I think he liked it because he kept asking for more, but he plugged his ears and was very still the entire ride.

Levi cruisin in his new set of wheels. There was a car playground at the mall and he was in car-car heaven.

Baking together. Levi thinks he's a pro now.

Looking at the "rainbow" that comes through our window with the morning sun. This is also a nice shot of Levi's morning hair. This is actually mild compared to normal.

That's just some of what I am feeling thankful for this week. 
What are you thankful for?


  1. The opportunity to make connections with wonderful women across the country, all because of the internet. What a blessing.

    1. It is truly amazaing! I have never been more thankful for the internet in my life.


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